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10 ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

In the world of SEO and content marketing, keyword research is fundamental. It helps marketers understand what terms their audience is searching for, enabling them to optimize content accordingly. ChatGPT can assist in generating keyword ideas, expanding your keyword list, and exploring niche topics, all tailored to enhance your content strategy.

How Can ChatGPT Help With Keyword Research?

ChatGPT can analyze search trends, suggest related keywords, and help brainstorm content ideas that target specific keywords. This can significantly broaden your SEO strategy and improve the visibility of your content on search engines.

10 ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research

1) "Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to [broad topic]."

This prompt is designed to help you find long-tail keywords, which are more specific phrases that searchers are likely to use when they are closer to a point of purchase or when they're using voice search. Long-tail keywords are generally less competitive and more targeted than shorter, more common keywords.

How to use it:Input a broad topic related to your industry. ChatGPT will generate a list of long-tail keywords that are relevant and potentially valuable for creating specific content or optimizing existing pages.


  • Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to sustainable agriculture.
  • Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to remote work productivity.
  • Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to healthy meal planning.

2) "Suggest keywords for a blog post about [specific topic] targeting [demographic]."

Tailoring your keyword research to a specific demographic can help you attract more targeted traffic. This prompt helps you identify keywords that resonate with a particular group, increasing the relevance of your content for that audience.

How to use it:Provide a specific topic and the demographic you are targeting. ChatGPT will suggest keywords that are likely to attract this audience.


  • Suggest keywords for a blog post about mindfulness meditation targeting working professionals.
  • Suggest keywords for a blog post about eco-friendly fashion targeting Gen Z consumers.
  • Suggest keywords for a blog post about DIY home decor targeting millennial homeowners.

3) "Identify question-based keywords related to [topic]."

Question-based keywords are incredibly valuable for content that aims to answer specific questions from users. These types of keywords often lead to increased engagement and can help your content perform well in featured snippets.

How to use it:Mention a topic, and ChatGPT will list question-based keywords that can guide the creation of FAQ pages or informative blog posts.


  • Identify question-based keywords related to digital marketing strategies.
  • Identify question-based keywords related to home fitness equipment.
  • Identify question-based keywords related to cryptocurrency investing.

4) "Find synonyms for the keyword [keyword] that could expand our content’s reach."

Expanding your keyword list with synonyms helps cover more variations that people might use to search for the same information. This prompt assists in identifying synonyms that maintain the intent of the original keyword while broadening your content’s visibility.

How to use it:Input a primary keyword, and ChatGPT will provide a list of synonyms that can be incorporated into your content strategy.


  • Find synonyms for the keyword 'cost-effective' that could expand our content’s reach.
  • Find synonyms for the keyword 'innovative' that could expand our content’s reach.
  • Find synonyms for the keyword 'eco-friendly' that could expand our content’s reach.

5) "Create a keyword strategy for a content series focused on [topic]."

Developing a comprehensive keyword strategy for a content series ensures that all pieces are optimized and interlinked based on relevant keywords. This can enhance the overall SEO performance of the series.

How to use it:Describe the topic of the content series. ChatGPT will outline a keyword strategy that includes primary and secondary keywords, helping to structure your series effectively.


  • Create a keyword strategy for a content series focused on sustainable living tips.
  • Create a keyword strategy for a content series focused on digital nomad lifestyle.
  • Create a keyword strategy for a content series focused on financial planning for millennials.

6) "List niche keywords for [industry] that smaller brands could target."

Niche keywords are crucial for smaller brands that compete in a crowded market. These keywords are less competitive and more specific, which can help small businesses stand out and attract a more focused audience.

How to use it:Specify the industry. ChatGPT will list niche keywords that could be particularly effective for smaller brands looking to gain a foothold.


  • List niche keywords for organic skincare products that smaller brands could target.
  • List niche keywords for indie music artists that smaller labels could target.
  • List niche keywords for pet accessories that local boutique stores could target.

7) "Generate keyword ideas for top-of-funnel content that attracts [target audience]."

Top-of-funnel content is designed to attract a broad audience at the beginning of their purchase journey. Keywords for this stage should be broad and informative, helping to introduce potential customers to your brand.

How to use it:Provide the target audience. ChatGPT will generate keyword ideas that help draw in this audience with engaging, relevant content.


  • Generate keyword ideas for top-of-funnel content that attracts outdoor adventure enthusiasts.
  • Generate keyword ideas for top-of-funnel content that attracts DIY home improvement hobbyists.
  • Generate keyword ideas for top-of-funnel content that attracts tech-savvy gadget enthusiasts.

8) "Suggest seasonal keyword trends for [product/service] during [season or event]."

Seasonal trends can significantly impact search behavior. This prompt helps you identify keywords that are likely to become popular during specific seasons or events, allowing you to prepare and optimize your content in advance.

How to use it:Specify the product or service and the relevant season or event. ChatGPT will suggest seasonal keyword trends that can inform your content strategy.


  • Suggest seasonal keyword trends for BBQ grills during the summer season.
  • Suggest seasonal keyword trends for Halloween costumes during the fall season.
  • Suggest seasonal keyword trends for tax preparation services during tax season.

9) "What does a person that works as [job position] search on Google to [goal]?"

This prompt helps find words that people in a certain job use when they search online to achieve certain goals that your company can help them satisfy. Then, you can create blog articles targeting these searches.

How to use it: Simply input the job position and the desired goal, and ChatGPT will uncover the search queries professionals use to achieve their objectives, aiding in targeted keyword research for content optimization.


  • What does a person that works as a graphic designer search on Google to find design inspiration?
  • What does a person that works as a software engineer search on Google to troubleshoot code errors?
  • What does a person that works as a marketing manager search on Google to create an effective social media campaign?

10) "Propose a list of keywords for improving local SEO for [business type] in [location]."

Local SEO is crucial for businesses that operate in specific geographical areas. This prompt helps generate keywords that are optimized for local searches, enhancing visibility among nearby customers.

How to use it:Specify the type of business and the location. ChatGPT will propose a list of keywords that can improve local SEO and attract more customers from the area.


  • Propose a list of keywords for improving local SEO for coffee shops in San Francisco.
  • Propose a list of keywords for improving local SEO for yoga studios in New York City.
  • Propose a list of keywords for improving local SEO for auto repair shops in Los Angeles.

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